Versatile blogger award!!

Omg! So I’ve been nominated for my first award! 😀 I was nominated by topsy turvy kid ( ) so thank you so so much! I’m over moon! Okay so here are the rules….

Thank the person that nominated you and include a link to their blog. (check n check)
Nominate a minimum of 15 bloggers.
Link your nominees and let them know.
Share 7 facts about yourself

Here are my nominees! :

  1. Sincerlyreine-
  2. Lyfwithem-
  3. Randomcrap-
  4. Just call me Elm or something-
  5. Dziey-
  6. I am odd-
  7. Teen to teen-
  8. A narcissist writes letters, to himself-
  9. Sam O. Bscure-
  10. Words and other things-
  11. Being 1nsane-
  12. Loving everything-
  13. Hideaway girl-
  14. Seagirll-
  15. The shamefulsheep-



And here are the 7 facts about myself:

  1. I’m 18 and live in England along the coast!
  2. I actually suffer from both depression and anxiety but I’m doing well to overcome them
  3. I’m an artist as well as a blogger (maybe one day I’ll post some of my art!)
  4. I want to make a change in the world for the better no matter how big or small.
  5. Still have no idea what I want to do with my life and I’m at uni….whoops
  6. I want to make new friends on here!
  7. My favourite animals are turtles, sheep and rodents