Drink responsibly, kids!

Wow so shit kicked off today in my household. I mean, no more different than usual but this time I was actually involved whoops. I’ll write more about it next post cause I am getting ready with my favourite girl to go out tonight!! Wwatch out we are hitting da cluubs!

I am so excited. I haven’t been out in about 2 months. I can’t wait to just let my hair down (metaphorically I mean cause I have a hella short pixie cut) and just get wasted (drink responsibly, kids)

Gotta do my makeup. Will be back.

All finished. Now I look hot as heck. My friend, Sophia is very much on her way to being drunk right now, but to be honest she is drinking vodka like water (as I said earlier, drink responsibly kids).

Sidenote: drinking is not cool and I do not condone it….unless you’re over 18. Then go nuts. we’re having a mini rave in my room. #studentlyfe

Housemates are attempting to twerk upside down…. I can sense an injury occurring.

Not much to say right now… I bought a happy meal today from Mcdonalds and got a tiny toy fluffy Panda….I was very happy.

What have you all done today?

Peace out!!

Xo Violet.